A regular meeting of the Business Council in the Healthcare sector was held in the town of Smolyan
On 24.03.2023 at 17:00 in the town of Smolyan, a regular meeting of the Business Council was held in the Health sector in the border regions of Blagoevgrad, Haskovo, Kardzhali and Smolyan, and the activity is carried out under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" financed from the INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 program, Subsidy contract No. B6.3a.18/13.04.2021.
The meeting was attended by five representatives of the sector from the border regions of Haskovo, Kardjali, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan. The Rotary Hall, Kiparis Alpha Hotel, Smolyan, was engaged for the meeting. The same was provided technically, being equipped - multimedia, portable computer, printer, microphone/s and sound system, as well as information boards, banner and presentation materials, according to the requirements of the Communication and Publicity Guide of the Interreg V/A Greece-Bulgaria 2014 program -2020. In addition, disinfectants were provided, as well as water, coffee and tea to ensure the event's coffee break.
The moderator of the event welcomed everyone present, leaving time for a short introduction of the new members of the business council. A few minutes were set aside for the presentation of the Regulations for the work of the BS in the health sector.
The representatives of the sector present expressed their concern about the lack of a regular government and the long delay in the adoption of the state budget. This, in turn, leads to a number of problems related to the impossibility of raising the salaries of various employees in the sector.
The most worried were the ambulance drivers in CSMP on the territory of the district.
As a low-skilled workforce, the wages drivers receive are some of the lowest in the sector. This, as well as the fact that a large number of drivers are of retirement age - there is a real lack of young people willing to work in this position, creates a looming staffing crisis that is truly life-threatening.
The members of the council united around the idea that it is necessary to work in a direction that would increase the attractiveness of the profession. One way to do this is by raising wages to a level that is attractive to young people.
The provision of certain social and tax benefits by local authorities are also ways that could attract new labor to the sector.
The council came up with a decision to organize an information campaign - in the form of brochures to be distributed in educational institutions on the territory of the district.