A Business Council is formed in the Materials and Technologies sector
On February 23, 2022 at 14:00 in Chepelare was held a meeting to form a Business Council concerning the Sector Materials and Technologies in the border areas of Blagoevgrad, Haskovo, Kardzhali and Smolyan, as the activity is carried out under the project "Business Council - BC 6275 ”financed by the INTERREG V / A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 program, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18 / 13.04.2021.
The meeting was attended by 6 people who were representatives of the Materials and Technologies sector from the border districts of Haskovo, Kardzhali, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan. The meeting for the constitution of the business council started on time in person, and online access was provided for members who did not have the opportunity to attend physically.
The moderator of the event welcomed all those present (including those who participated remotely), making a proposal for the agenda. The first item on the agenda was the Rules of Procedure of the Business Council on the Materials and Technologies Sector.
The meeting started a discussion. Each of the members presenting himself and his activities as follows: the present representatives of the sector said that despite their many years of experience in this field for the first time meeting with representatives of the same sector at a "table" to discuss and prevention of common problems; The present representatives of wood processors said that they want the newly formed business council to work to ensure cooperation with Greece in order to export timber, others attended the need to regulate payments and exchange know-how on technical issues in the sector.
After the interview, the moderator invited all participants, incl. and those involved online to present both themselves and their activities. All representatives of the Materials and Technologies sector exchanged their contacts in order to facilitate communication between them. In addition, the initial tasks and work initiatives to help the sector to be addressed by the business council were identified and discussed.
The beneficiary has prepared registration forms for the participants in the business councils, the completion of which will be finalized in a personal meeting in the process of work, due to the availability of personal data and the need to sign each interested member.
After the discussion, the moderator explained about the shared (cloud) space of BS, explaining its functions and goals. In the shared space, each member of the business council will have access to various documents. Issues related to the election of the Management Board of the current Business Council were raised and discussed, but the present representatives of the sector decided to discuss whether there will be a Board at the next meeting.