снимки Хасково

An information meeting was held with representatives of the local authorities - Haskovo municipality

On 18.02.2022 in the hall of the District Administration of Haskoro was held an information meeting in the implementation of the project "Business Council" - 6275_BC, funded by Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18 / 13.04.2021, Terregional Cooperation Program Interreg V-A Greece - Bulgaria 2014-2020, and the meeting was attended by representatives of the district administration of Haskovo.

Information meeting with representatives of the local authorities in the municipality of Dimitrovgrad

На 18.02.2022г. в зала намираща се в общинска администрация Димитровград се проведе информационна среща в изпълнение на проект „Business council”- 6275_BC, финансиран по Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18/13.04.2021, Програма за териториално сътрудничество Interreg V-А Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020

An information meeting was held with the local authorities in the municipality of Banite

На 04.02.2022 г. от 14:00 ч. в семинарна зала на Общински съвет Баните се проведе информационна среща в изпълнение на проект „Business council”- 6275_BC, финансиран по Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18/13.04.2021, Програма за териториално сътрудничество Interreg V-А Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020“ , като на срещата не присъстваха голям брой представители на местната власт, поради факта, че […]

снимки Мадан

An information meeting was held with the local authorities in Madan municipality

На 03.02.2022 г. от 14:00 ч. в зала 301 на община Мадан се проведе информационно събитие в изпълнение на проект „Business council”- 6275_BC, финансиран по Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18/13.04.2021, Програма за териториално сътрудничество Interreg V-А Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020. Модераторът направи презентация на проекта и участващите организации. Обясни накратко същината на програма „ИНТЕРРЕГ V-A Гърция–България, […]

An informational meeting was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Blagoevgrad

An informational meeting with representatives of the regional administration and business was held on 15.12.2021 in the seminar hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the town of Blagoevgrad. The meeting was organized in the framework of the project "Business Council- BC 6275" funded by the INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 Programme, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18/13.04.2021. Participants in the meeting were the management of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, representatives of local companies engaged in advertising, trading of goods, textile industry, representatives of hoteliers and restaurateurs and members of the Chamber of Commerce, representatives of NGOs. The meeting was held in person and remotely.

An informational meeting was held in Bansko

An informational meeting with representatives of regional administration and business was held on 14.12.2021 in the seminar hall of Bansko municipality. The meeting was organized in the framework of the project "Business Council- BC 6275" funded by the INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020, Subsidy contract № B6.3a.18/13.04.2021. The meeting was attended by the deputy mayor of Bansko municipality, the president of the municipal council and representatives of the chamber of craftsmen and the association of hoteliers and business.