A regular meeting of the Business Council in the Technology Sector was held in the town of Xanthi

On the fifth and final day of our meeting in Xanthi, held on 07/10/23, 6 participants gathered on site and 7 who joined remotely via Zoom. As this marked the culmination of the meetings in Xanthi, the focus shifted to planning for the upcoming series of meetings scheduled to take place in Thessaloniki next month.

Срещата започна с размисъл върху ключовите изводи от престоя ни в Ксанти и очертахме дневния ред за предстоящите срещи в Солун. Признавайки значението на приемствеността и надграждайки инерцията, генерирана по време на нашите дискусии в Ксанти, бяха обмислени идеи за справяне с най-често срещаните проблеми, пред които са изправени фирмите в технологичния сектор.
One of the main topics of discussion centered around the funding programs available to these businesses aimed at improving their technological capacity and facilitating growth. Participants shared insights and experiences regarding their engagement with such programs, highlighting the importance of accessing financial resources to invest in state-of-the-art technological equipment, research and development initiatives, and talent acquisition.
In the context of cooperation networks, the discussions also revolved around the exploration of ways for effective cooperation between Greek and Bulgarian business. Participants discussed ideas and strategies for promoting cross-border partnerships, using shared experiences, resources and market opportunities. Emphasis was placed on creating channels of communication, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and identifying mutually beneficial projects that promote innovation and economic growth in both regions.