A regular meeting of the Business Council was held in the Materials and Technologies sector
The meeting was attended by six representatives of the sector from the border regions of Haskovo, Kardzhali, Blagoevgrad and Smolyan. The engaged room was technically secured, being equipped with multimedia, a laptop, a printer, as well as information boards, a banner and presentation materials, according to the requirements of the Communication and Publicity Guide of the Interreg V/A Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020 program. In addition, disinfectants were provided, as well as water, coffee and tea to ensure the event's coffee break.
The discussion that started in the process of holding the meeting was in the context of the lack of labor, as well as the retention of workers. In these cases, the representatives of the sector experience enormous difficulties.
A member of the BS shared and pointed out the lack of workers/employees as the main problem, saying that it is the most difficult to find low-skilled workers (they, in turn, are the most difficult to keep on the labor market, due to a number of reasons - inconstancy) and personnel with qualifications and experience (this type of experts are too few and in most cases are concentrated in large urban centers).
In this case, it was decided on a general basis to pay attention to the local administrations and the territorial distributions of the labor offices to inform the interested persons more effectively and/or the local mediators to provide assistance in finding labor.