A regular meeting of representatives of the technological sector was held in the town of Xanthi

On 07.07.2023 a regular meeting of the Business Council in the technological sector was held in the town of Xanthi. The meeting was organized by the association "Development of culture tourism environment" - DE. CU.T.E. under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" financed by INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 program, Subsidy contract №B6.3a.18/13.04.2021. The meeting was attended by six representatives of the sector.

The focus of the discussion revolved around formulating a robust business model and the key role that technological innovation plays in providing a strong competitive advantage within the wider market landscape. Various aspects of business modeling, strategies to identify key value propositions, revenue streams and cost structures that contribute to sustainable growth and profitability were examined and explored. Emphasis was placed on leveraging technological advances to improve operational efficiency, product/service differentiation and customer engagement.

Some good practices of enterprises working in the technology sector were demonstrated on site. These examples served as valuable case studies illustrating how successful integration of technological innovation into business models can lead to tangible benefits such as improved market positioning, increased productivity and increased customer satisfaction.
Overall, the discussions on the fourth day highlighted the importance of embracing technological innovation as a cornerstone of business strategy. Participants left the meeting equipped with insights and inspiration to further refine their business models and harness the power of innovation to provide competitive advantage in a dynamic market landscape.