In the town of Kavala, they held a regular meeting of the business council in the RES sector

On 16.06.2023 a regular meeting of the business council in the RES sector was held in the city of Kavala. The meeting was organized "Development of culture tourism environment" - DE. CU.T.E. under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" financed by INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 program, Subsidy contract №B6.3a.18/13.04.2021.

The sixth meeting of the Renewable Energy Business Council was convened to discuss strategies for implementing innovations in the energy sector. The meeting focused on exploring how companies in the energy sector can implement innovative business models to drive growth and sustainability. Attendees engaged in a comprehensive discussion covering various aspects of implementing innovation in the energy sector.

Participants explored different frameworks and approaches to foster innovation in energy companies, including open innovation, design thinking and agile methodologies. Discussions focused on the potential benefits and challenges associated with each approach.

The meeting delved into the concept of business model innovation and its relevance to the energy sector. Attendees discussed ways energy companies can rethink their business models to adapt to changing market dynamics, technological advances and customer preferences.

Case studies and examples of companies in the energy sector that have successfully implemented innovative business models were presented at the meeting. Participants analyzed these case studies to gather insights and best practices applicable in their own organizations. Participants identified common barriers to innovation in the energy sector, such as regulatory constraints, risk aversion and legacy infrastructure. Discussions revolved around strategies to overcome these barriers and create an enabling environment for innovation.

Следващи стъпки, които членовете на съвета решиха да предприемат са:
-Разработване на иновационна стратегия: Иницииране на разработването на иновационна стратегия, съобразена с нуждите и целите на енергийните компании, участващи в инициативата.
-Пилотни проекти: Идентифициране на възможности за изпълнение на пилотни проекти за тестване и валидиране на иновативни бизнес модели в енергийния сектор.
-Изграждане на капацитет: Осигуряване на обучение и подкрепа на енергийните компании за изграждане на вътрешни способности за иновации, включително насърчаване на култура на експериментиране и поемане на риск.
-Партньорства за сътрудничество: Проучване на възможности за сътрудничество с изследователски институции, доставчици на технологии и други заинтересовани страни за съвместно създаване на иновативни решения и стимулиране на иновациите в цялата индустрия.