A regular meeting of the participants of the Business Council in the Healthcare sector was held in the city of Thessaloniki

On 14.06.2023 A regular business council meeting was held in the city of Thessaloniki in the Healthcare sector. The meeting was organized by the association "Development of culture tourism environment" - DE. CU.T.E. under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" financed by INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 program, Subsidy contract №B6.3a.18/13.04.2021.

The meeting in Thessaloniki was mainly attended by students specializing in cosmetology who aspire to start their own business.

Attendees, mostly students, gathered to gain insight into the entrepreneurial landscape within the beauty industry.
An experienced beauty industry professional took to the stage to share valuable pointers on how to start and run a successful business in this field. The speaker provided practical advice on starting a business, navigating industry regulations and building a solid foundation for sustainable growth.

One of the key highlights of the meeting was cooperation. The speaker emphasized the importance of building relationships and working together with other businesses in the cosmetology sector. Through real-world examples, attendees gained a deeper understanding of how collaborative efforts can lead to shared resources, expanded clientele, and increased growth opportunities.
Eager to turn their cosmetology skills into entrepreneurial ventures, students actively engaged in discussions about starting and running their own businesses. The meeting facilitated an open dialogue where students could seek advice, share concerns and learn from the experience of an experienced professional.
Aspiring entrepreneurs were particularly receptive to the idea of ​​collaboration, recognizing its potential to amplify the impact of their individual businesses.

The meeting ended with a sense of inspiration and determination among attendees, who left equipped with valuable insights and a clearer understanding of the entrepreneurial journey ahead. The guidance provided by industry professionals combined with an emphasis on collaboration served to empower the students as they began their journey to establish and succeed in their own beauty business. The event encapsulates a spirit of enthusiasm and readiness among future cosmetology science entrepreneurs.