In the city of Komotini, a regular business council meeting was held in the Healthcare sector

On 15.05.2023 in the city of Kavala they held a regular meeting of a business council in the health care sector. The meeting was organized by the association "Development of culture tourism environment" - DE. CU.T.E. under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" financed by INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 program, Subsidy contract №B6.3a.18/13.04.2021.

At the fourth business council meeting, the focus of discussion shifted to business strategies and the key role collaboration plays in maintaining an active and influential presence in the healthcare industry.

The discussion began by exploring various business strategies that can be applied in the healthcare sector. The conversation highlighted the importance of adaptability, innovation and forward-thinking approaches to navigating the dynamic industry landscape. Participants actively engaged in sharing their experiences and insights, contributing to a rich exchange of ideas.
A significant part of the day was devoted to highlighting the value of collaboration. Discuss the experience participants have in working together with other healthcare organizations, whether they are companies or professionals. Through brainstorming, participants generated ideas on how joint efforts could lead to positive results, from shared resources to joint marketing initiatives.
Participants expressed enthusiasm during the brainstorming session, showing a positive response to the idea of ​​collaboration. They realized that pooling resources, expertise and networks could enhance their individual and collective impact in the healthcare industry.

Дискусиите през деня подчертаха идеята, че в една бързо развиваща се индустрия сътрудничеството е не само полезно, но често и необходимо за устойчив успех. До края на семинара участниците си тръгнаха с по-задълбочено разбиране на стратегическото значение на сътрудничеството и споделен ангажимент за проучване и прилагане на инициативи за сътрудничество в съответните им начинания в здравеопазването.
В обобщение, срещата предостави ценна информация за ефективните бизнес стратегии и подчерта критичната роля на сътрудничеството за поддържане на жизнено и влиятелно присъствие в здравната индустрия.