A business council was formed in the Healthcare sector

On 27.04.2023 in Komotini, at a meeting held by "Development of culture tourism environment" - DE. CU.T.E. under the project "Business Council - BC 6275" financed by INTERREG V/A GREECE-BULGARIA 2014-2020 program, Subsidy contract №B6.3a.18/13.04.2021.

The meeting to form the business council brought together health professionals in the town of Komotini. Participants included surgeons, ophthalmologists and general practitioners.

The meeting began with a brief presentation of the project and the project idea. Participants were introduced to the purpose of business councils to promote collaboration and teamwork in the healthcare sector. We emphasized that working together can lead to better ideas, sharing of resources and improved patient care.
The meeting discussed the challenges that healthcare workers face every day and how unification can make these challenges easier to deal with. Zoom's virtual participants added different perspectives, showing that the technology can help connect people from different places.
During the workshop we discussed plans for future meetings. We considered ideas such as regularly sharing information, working together on projects and doing joint educational programs. The excitement during these talks underscored everyone's commitment to working together.
In summary, the meeting was a starting point for health professionals to talk, share ideas and plan future collaborations. The combination of in-person and virtual presence has created a diverse and enthusiastic group, setting the stage for an ongoing collaboration that can bring about positive change in healthcare.